My Plastic Free Journey
This is what brought me on my plastic journey thanks to reading Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too by Beth Terry for the first book in the Eco-Vegan Gal Book Club (You can join the book club by visiting her Google+ Page - Whitney Lauritsen and asking her to add you to the EvG Bookclub). All these years I have been thinking I was doing my part by recycling anything I can - even taking all the office's recyclables home from work - but recycling is just a small part in dealing with our plastic problem and by not purchasing items made with plastic, you would be doing the world a much greater good as the resources were never used, pollution never created, and at the end of it's lifecycle it will not be just sitting in a landfill for all eternity.
I would definitely recommend reading this book as it really opened my eyes to the world of plastic - why it's bad for you, the animals, and the environment. It is filled with TONS of great resources so I would really recommend buying the e-book - always having the information at your fingertips, searchable, and saves the resources of creating and shipping the book to you.
To me, being a vegan isn't only about not eating animals or animal products; it's about making the world a better place for the animals, the humans, and the future of our planet. Too often we can get caught up in our modern world and not think about how every decision we make affects the world around us.
An entirely plastic free life seems quite impractical in a plastic filled world, but there are many ways we can reduce our consumption and remove many plastics from our life entirely.
Things you can do today:
1. No more plastic grocery bags! I'm sure you've been given many reusable bags branded with company logos over the years. If you still have them, use 'em! If not, invest in a few reusable cloth (preferably organic if it will come in direct contact with your food) bags and put them in the trunk of your car. Stick a little reminder on your steering wheel to remember to bring in your bags anytime you are at the grocery store, or any store for that matter. Make sure to let the cashier know in advance that you brought your own bags.
2. No more throw away bottles of water! I've gotten used to carrying my cheap reusable aluminum water bottle with me wherever I go, but after reading Beth's book. I plan on switching to glass. Plastic water bottles not only create TONS of waste, but the plastic itself leaks chemicals into the very water you drink! Turns out the aluminum bottle I was carrying is also lined with BPA, a form of plastic now being banned in baby bottles, that could be contaminating the water I drink. You can also use glass or stainless steel bottles such as Kleen Kanteen and refill it at home or the nearest water fountain! I have never been a fan of city tap water, so I filter my water at home and bring my bottle plus an additional reused glass juice container to refill it when I'm at work or somewhere for long periods of time. I plan on purchasing a Life Factory glass bottle on my next trip to Whole Foods and repurpose my aluminum bottle at home.
3. Read Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too by Beth Terry! Beth does a fantastic job of explaining the why and how's of removing plastic from your life. The book is filled with many great websites and resources for helping you get started. Also check her website and take the challenge and join the discussion!
Week 1 of Plastic-Conscious Grocery Shopping
That is the start of my plastic story. Leave a comment with what you can do to reduce plastic consumption in your home. I'd love to hear your ideas!
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