Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tofu Scramble w/ Home Fries

Thought I would get some practice, seeing as I am not the best cook and am not as knowledgeable on vegan cooking as I should be; plus I needed to use up some tofu about to expire in my fridge along with some potatoes starting to sprout.

I combined two recipes I found on the internet, give or take a few ingredients.

Home Fries:
5-6 Large Potatoes, cut into 1/2in cubes
5-6 tablespoons olive oil
Cook on medium until soft
Add garlic powder, sea salt, and ground pepper to taste.

Tofu Scramble:
I used this recipe minus the onions, green peppers, and onion power; and I used Earth Balance margarine instead of oil.

Once both were cooked I combined them probably 60-40 potatoes to tofu. I even added a smidge of ketchup to my bowl for kicks.

I think this may be one of my new favorite breakfasts (although I had it for dinner) and even my roomate Cory (the non-vegan meat & cheese lover) and my other roomate Paul (the picky eater) loved it. Edit 11:30p: Most importantly, hubby loves it too. Said it is his favorite thing I've made, vegan or not.

I have made vegan dishes out of the McDougall Quick & Easy Cookbook before, but this was my first attempt at "winging it" with ingredients I had. I would call first attempt a success.

Going Vegan

For 2011 my new years resolution is to FINALLY go VEGAN. I have been vegetarian for 5 years on January 1, 2011. I've been talking about going for years, but kept putting it off for fear of failure. This year I am putting my health and animals first and taking the plunge!

After my mother's heart attack, I knew I HAD to make the change for a cholesterol free, healthy existence. I hope my mom and dad will soon follow in my footsteps.

This blog will be about my trials and tribulations while I make the transition into vegan life!