Friday, March 11, 2011

Product Review - Jokerz Candy Bar

I took my Dad wandering in town and he and my hubby decided to get ice cream.  With a lack of vegan ice cream in my area, I walked to the near by candy store and grabbed myself one of these bad boys - Jokerz Vegan Candy Bar.  It reminds me of a vegan Snickerz.  Yum!!  

A little pricy here, $3.25 in town, but another store out on Clearwater Beach has them for $2.25.  Hardly comparable to the $.99 you can usually get regular candy bars for.  I say we start a movement for a mainstream vegan candy bar.  Who's with me?

Verdict: 9/10 for taste, 5/10 for price. 

1 comment:

  1. Know what you mean about the price of candy bars for vegans. I'm a vegetarian in transition to veganism and in the UK where I live, vegan candy bars cost three times the chocolate ones do.
